Porcelain store fronts
Inside one of the stores
Amelia, Jenny, and Rylie (it was a feat just to get this picture....sorry it's not too good!)
Thank you all for your prayers for Rylie and for us. Without a doubt, they have worked and we are so grateful. Today has been wonderful!
Rylie slept horribly last night....so much tossing and turning, thrashing and kicking....it's a wonder she is getting any rest. I don't think she is getting much deep sleep, and I am sure that is leaving her pretty tired in the mornings. We did find out that the sponsored orphanage-based foster family residences, like she was in, have a bed for each child. Maybe that is part of the problem. She has been sleeping with us, because the "crib" the hotel brought us is made pretty much for a newborn and is not safe for her. Who knows....we are hopeful to get a little better sleeping option at our next hotel. Maybe it will make a difference (for her and for us!).
That being said, with her crazy sleep, I fully expected today to be a repeat of yesterday's day of tantrums. It has not been like that at all!!! Praise God! She started out a little feisty and has had a few moments here and there, but overall, she has been a pleasant, happy, funny, goofy almost-2-year old. :) This momma is happy and thankful for a reprieve from yesterday.
We intended to visit a local park today, but it is chilly and rainy, so we nixed that plan. Instead, we first visited Rylie's finding spot, which I will do a separate post about. I was so glad to be able to see it. It was a little surreal to imagine the events of the day she was abandoned, and to actually be standing where it all happened. Just the thought is emotional for us.
Afterwards, we went to a porcelain shop. Jiangxi province is known for porcelain, and produces 80% of China's product. We felt like we would be missing out if we didn't see firsthand Rylie's home's big product. The shop was beautiful....I was really impressed by the items we saw in the store....so much intricate detail and care goes into each piece. We were able to get her a little miniature tea set to bring home as a memento. The store owner gave her a little porcelain mouse to bring home....she said it brings prosperity. Lucky for us, she was also born in the Year of the Mouse. :)
Then we headed to Pizza Hut for lunch. It is much different than in the US! It's like a fancier restaurant....not so much like fast food. There were multiple other adoptive families there from other agencies. It was nice to see some Americans again (and to get a break from the Chinese food). It's been a while....
Rylie has been so playful and happy today. I kept her in the baby carrier most of the day, thinking that it might contain her a little better and help us avoid the arching and thrashing of yesterday, as well as help her feel secure. We really don't know how much she's been out in public, if at all, so that probably becomes overwhelming quickly. I think the carrier really helped. (Thank you, Kristen!!!)
We are also learning she is quite a little ham! She will fit in with her big brother nicely! :) She even said (completely unprompted, I might add) "Mama" at lunch today! I think God knew I needed a little boost and that sure did it. She also did her signs for "more" and "milk" completely on her own. What a smart little cookie we have on our hands! We are smitten with our newest munchkin.
I'm sure there's something I am missing. Our guide, Jenny, provides us with so much great information, it's hard to remember everything. She has been fabulous! Tomorrow afternoon, we head to Guangzhou, home of the American Consulate, for our more official business. We have enjoyed our time in Rylie's home, but are looking forward to a change of scenery and meeting back up with the rest of our group meeting their kiddos!
Love from China...
Rush, Jen, and Rylie
So glad she had a better day! It strikes me as funny that you are in China eating at a Pizza Hut. :)
ReplyDelete"mama"....brought tears to my eyes. What a giant blessing.