Monday, April 30, 2012

Rylie Girl

I figured it was time to share some pics of my youngest girl.

She's grown up so much in the past year and a half.

She's still as feisty as can be.

But in a more manageable way.

She's learning self-control.

She desperately wants approval.

She's a complete Daddy's girl.

She is super motivated to talk. But it's slow going on that front.

We found out this week that her ears are so bad (a typical issue for kids with clefts), she can barely hear....which doesn't help on the speech front.

So....tubes, round 3 are coming up in a bit.

Hopefully these will stay in for more than a month this time. And she'll make some more progress.

So that everyone else can see...and understand...the amazing little creature that she is.


  1. So darling! What great pictures!
    I hope things go better this time around with the tubes... found out yesterday that L's left tube is out (cleft side) and his hearing is diminished. I'm not sure they won't want to put it back in. ug.
