Monday, January 25, 2010


...found the bear! Little stinker (aka Reagan) stuffed it in a toy bin in the playroom. Hooray!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Bear update...

Reagan lost her bear less than 24 hours after I finished it.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My little project let me preface this post by saying that I really do not know how to sew. Well, I know a little. Maybe I should say, I don't know how to sew well. At all. But, that didn't prevent me from trying a little project for the kiddos. I am expecting that in the not-so-distant future, Jonah will have a loose tooth at some point. I saw a cute idea for little tooth bears for the kids to place their teeth in as they wait for the oh-so-important Tooth Fairy exchange. So, although they are far from perfect, here's my attempt.

I wasn't thrilled with the color choices, but you take what you can get at the store. I did Jonah's bear first...that's supposed to be a tooth on the front under his name. I think it looks like a piece of sliced bread. Oh well. I didn't even try it on Reagan's...she got a crooked heart. Still, I am a little proud of my attempt....all things considered.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

So far behind....

Who said it was easy to keep up with a blog? I am way behind, so I'll recap with some pics and leave it at that for now.

Here's a rare pic of my whole family from Thanksgiving.

Reagan watching a Tech game with Daddy...apparently he is stressed out!

My crazy girl.....

December Snow!

The kids and I had the opportunity to go to the beach for a bit right before Christmas with my dear friend, Lisa and her 2 boys! What a blast!

Merry Christmas 2009!

Ringing in the New Year with a HOKIE win! Happy 2010!

A lot of people have been asking me about the adoption big news to report yet, but thank you for the continued thoughts. We continue to covet your prayers in this matter! We recently renewed our U.S. Immigration Approval....and now the wait continues. We can't wait until we get our baby girl!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Ahhhh, the life of a mom.

A recap of my day:

Woke up
Made a grocery list
Clipped coupons
Got Jonah up, fed, dressed
Got Reagan up, fed, dressed
Devotion with kids
Took Jonah to bus stop in 20 degree weather
Grocery store
Came home and unloaded groceries
Went to Target
Came home and unloaded from Target
Made chili
Reorganized pantry
Made Reagan lunch
Read to Reagan
Put her down for a nap (ha, ha)
Hauled all Christmas decorations into attic
Vacuumed upstairs
Got Jonah off bus
Gave kids a snack
Tried to keep kids from killing each other
Played 3 rounds of go fish
Printed out coloring pages for the kids
Dance party with kids
Made dinner
Helped kids clean up playroom
Packed Jonah's lunch for tomorrow
Gave both kids baths
Read books, sang songs, said prayers, lights out
Cleaned up kitchen

...and there's still more to do. Always. (Note "shower" was not listed anywhere)